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Good cooking

​Dr,Nalini Chilkov August 2012


Is your barbecue turning your healthy food into toxic, cancer-causing poisons? Grilled food just might increase your cancer risk.

It's summer and the barbecue is all fired up.  You can smell it from your neighbors backyard and you are salivating.  Don't jump over the fence quite so fast. Think before you eat!   The longer meat is cooked, the more dangerous it becomes.

Consider this: You are serving cancer-causing food from the grill.

Guilt-free Grilling Tips
Jared Koch August 2012


Fire up the grill -- it's BBQ season! However, many of us don't stop to consider the quality of the burgers and hot dogs we throw on the grill. Improving the quality of the same foods you're used to eating can have profoundly positive effects on your health, without sacrificing pleasure -- in fact, it usually leads to better tasting food! Here's how:

Go au natural

Summer comes with bare skin and natural tones, so try to eat with the theme. The best type of meat is sustainable, ideally pastured grass-fed beef and free-range chicken. When animals live in their natural environment 

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